Career & Academic Advising

Creating My Academic Plan


Not sure what program of study is right for you? Consider using the following resources to assess your interests and skills, identify occupations, and gain relevant job market information:


Now that you have explored your interests and career options, browse through the programs of study to see which one is right for you.

  • Download the appropriate associate in applied science or transfer program of study checklist to track your grades and progress.
  • Set academic and career goals that line up with your career interests. (e.g. Academic Goal—3.0 GPA, Career Goal—Volunteer/Get an internship in my field.)


  • You will need the following to effectively plan your courses:
    • Program of study checklist and
    • Required course sequence, if applicable.
  • Review your program of study checklist to see which courses are required and choose your courses for the upcoming semester.
  • Check course availability using WebAdvisor and register for classes.
  • For course sequence suggestions and to see if your courses have any prerequisites or corequisites, review your program of study online and/or visit your faculty program chair.
  • Remember to schedule courses based on your full-time (12 credits or more) or part-time (up to 11 credits) status and other influences such as work and transportation.


  • Visit a Career and Academic Advisor to review your plan and answer any questions. We want you to succeed!
  • Keep in mind that your educational plan is a guide and can be changed at any point to reflect your current interests, goals and availability.
  • Recognize your progress, evaluate your missteps and revise your plan. You can do it!

Download Creating Your Educational Plan
